Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ishyva Consulting

As I mentioned in the first post, we changed our name. Hoogsteen Consulting is now Ishyva Consulting! You might ask yourself, what is an Ishyva.... well now why does it have to BE anything? I could have named it PinkFedora! Anyhow, our focus has not changed.

We want to take the individual and teach them to apply business principles to their life in order to get where they want to be. Let me give you an example. There is a hypothetical college student. They want to be a doctor. A pediatrician to be exact. They barely graduated high school. They barely got into community college. They have no focus. No motivation. No drive. No direction. Their only goal is to move in with their boyfriend, who just so happens to be a loser with no education and doesn't think she should waste her time with school... just go get a job so she can pay half his rent. SERIOUSLY... do you really think she will accomplish her goal of being a doctor?! Not very likely.

Now, if this person had a plan, thy might have a chance. Failure to plan is a plan to fail. Businesses set goals. They put plans in place. They prioritize the goals in order to accomplish what they need to... let's just call it a Business Plan.

Sales organizations give their sales reps quotas. Why do you think that is? Because how else will the rep know the minimum expectation? We all want... need... to be measured. We need to know what the line is so that we know when we have won!

Now, finally my point, we create business plans with quotas, metrics, and paths to accomplish goals for people. Everyday people. We also work with the corporate level to create plans with their employees because there is nothing worse to manage than directionless employees!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Our 1st Post!

This is first post to be made by our newly formed consulting firm.  I hesitate to call it "Hoogsteen Consulting" as that will probably change very soon. 

The purpose of this blog is to directly address the issues in society.  Rather than simply complaining though, this will be an opportunity to offer ideas and thoughts about how to make changes in the world around us.  Change has to begin at the individual level, and that is where the consulting comes in...

The primary goal of the consulting firm is to assist the individual.  Very similar to the idea of Life Coaching, but different.  We assist individuals in applying business principles to the operations of their life.  To challenge our clients to create business plans for the success of their life.  Setting goals with attainable opportunities through planning and metrics.

We believe that people are not held back by society, the economic conditions, or anything else other than just themselves.  We assist our clients in looking beyond what they feel holds them back, to develop a plan of how to make changes and reach their goals, to assist them in the metrics of determining their success or failure, and give them a path to reach where they want to be.

We have big plans.  The most important thing is that no two clients are the same.  Everything we do is customizable by client.